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Host Template Images For Free On Picasa

If you use a third party template or customize the design of your blog, chances are you'll need to find hosting for images used in the design. Many Blogger designers use Photobucket, Flickr and other free image hosting solutions. It's also possible (albeit unnecessarily complicated) to upload images to Blogger or Google Sites. But my personal favoured image hosting service is Picasa Web Albums . This free Google powered service offers unlimited bandwidth and a generous 1gb of storage - perfect for serving up any images you need for template visualisation. If you already host a blog with Blogger, any images which you upload to your blog posts will already be hosted on Picasa Web Albums in folders according to your blog name, even if you haven't already activated your Picasa account. Simply go to the Picasa Web Albums home page and log in using your Google account. Once logged in, you'll see all of your Picasa hosted albums, including any which are utilized fo

Free Blogger Template - Responsive Portfolio

Demo | Download For those looking for a beautiful responsive template for their Blogger site, look no further! Responsive Portfolio is a free , professionally designed template for your Blogger site with many useful features. Developed for those who want to showcase their portfolio, it includes the ability to display a jQuery carousel, and the whole template adjusts according to the size of the device it is viewed on. Features of this template include: Fluid width and responsive image size jQuery carousel which can be placed anywhere in the template (or even in a blog post!) All fonts and colours can be changed using the Blogger Template Designer Elegant design and classic layout Plenty of room for all of your widgets Take a look at the demo site and resize your browser window to see how the template responds, or simply download Responsive portfolio to begin using this template right away! View Demo | Download this template About Responsive Portfolio Respo

Free Blogger Template - Cleanred Portfolio Design

CleanRed is a portfolio style template, originally created for and now converted for use as a Blogger template. CleanRed Homepage, including a welcome message above the latest posts Demo | Download This template is wholly compatible with Blogger's Template Designer . All fonts, font colours, background colours and widths may be changed through the interface. It's even possible to change the layout while retaining most of the template's stylistic properties! About the CleanRed Template for Blogger CleanRed was designed to be used as a portfolio template for designers, artists or anyone else who wishes to showcase their best work! My aim in converting CSSHeaven's original CSS template was to build a Blogger template which matched the design as closely as possible while retaining all of the template features of Blogger's new interface. This means that a couple of minor elements were omitted, but that the Blogger template is almost comp

Nexus 5 - A New Blogger Template For Free Download

It's been a while since I've designed a Blogger template for free release. But after reading this excellent tutorial on Smashing Magazine , I was inspired to create something different: an ultra-customizable, HTML5 based template for Blogger. Nexus 5 is a one column template, with widgetized sections in the footer for any gadgets you may like to include. A wider, two column version will be available shortly for those who prefer gadgets in a sidebar section. This template uses many HTML 5 and CSS3 elements to create a more innovative design without the use of excessive background images. It does gracefully degrade in browsers which do not support CSS3 elements to ensure the greatest percentage of visitors will appreciate the full scope of the design. Here is a full screenshot of Nexus 5 as seen in Firefox 3.5 (my current preferred browser): Demo | Download Click the image for a full page preview, or simply visit the demonstration blog.. I've also tested i